Drinker Systems


A - Galvanized Support Tube
The round profile of the Ziggity support tube provides maximum strength and stability to minimize oscillations of the drinker lines.

B - 33.40 mm large diameter PVC pipe
It is the largest diameter tube in the industry, which guarantees a minimum of obstructions and consequently a more effective flushing.

C - Clip-On Support

D - Clip-On Seat


Big Z drinker for males

This dedicated drinking fountain for males is positioned on the floor much higher than the female drinking fountain - so high that it is in fact unattainable for females - and this is the reason why it does not require the bell-type barrier.

Big Z drinker for females

This bell-type drinking fountain, dedicated to females, promotes the action of drinking at the appropriate angle to minimize water spills, especially important in the event that males try to drink water from the female's drinking line.

Advantages of the Big Z Drinker

  • Weighing three times the weight of any standard drinking fountain, BIG Z is the most durable drinking fountain available in the market, with the capacity to adequately respond to the water demand needs of large aggressive birds such as heavy breeders.
  • Corrosion resistant stainless steel components, for a long life.
  • Twin-lock clamping design, which keeps the drinking troughs securely attached to their saddles.
  • Hardened stainless steel inserts that help prevent nipple wear.

Proven Benefits

Hygienic water delivery / Durable and wear-resistant / Keep the bed and slats dry / Flushing efficiently and effectively / Eliminate cleaning routines / Promote uniformity in Males / Provide water freely at will of the birds.

It delivers high volumes of water at the low pressure required for water without spillage. Its valve incorporated into the body of the regulator, facilitates the removal of sediments, biofilm and air.

Solenoid Regulator
For systems with automatic and care free rinsing. Requires connection to a controller or timer with 24VAC output.

Slope Neutralizer
It reduces the pressure caused by the drop in a preset range, does not require adjustment and maintains the system pressure setting, even when the birds are not drinking. Only in warehouses with slope or slope.

Final assembly
Our final assemblies automatically open during the rinsing phases, achieving simple and effective rinsing with minimal operating effort.

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